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On Doubting...

Do you ever doubt what you are supposed to do? Which way to go? What steps to take? Last night I was talking with a friend about a very real possibility of starting a new business venture that would ultimately require him to step away from his full-time job. He was pretty sure about the next steps but was very uncertain about the timing. Been there. Doing that! And all I can say now that I am two years past the day I got the call that the corporate world didn't want me anymore, is this... don't doubt what God is doing in this moment even if it doesn't look like the picture you painted in your mind. Decision-points don't have to be debilitating... you just have to be willing to move when He says move.

The key, for me, in moving ahead even when I might be tempted to doubt, lies in my willingness to remember His Word, remind myself of the times before when He has cleared the paths ahead of me, and rest in His promise that He will do it all again (as long as I am willing to fully trust and follow Him). And yet... when I get really focused on what I see right ahead of me... I sometimes get caught up in the whirlwind of activity that needs to happen that I just can't seem to make move. So even in my confidence, I still sometimes have moments of doubt. Do you? And when I do...

I think about Job. I think about Esther. I think about King David and every one of the disciples who all, at some point, expressed doubt over what to do but then followed their questions with the phrase... "Even so, Lord... I trust You." I also think about Moses and the Israelite gang who didn't get to go to the promised land because they weren't willing to trust Him for provision and protection even though they all walked together on the dry ground that was once the Red Sea. I think about all these things and in my contemplation, I am convicted to remember that there is a promise in following Him... and there is a penalty for not. And in all my focus on crushing the goals and dreams of this life, I consider this truth regarding eternity...

There is a way that leads unto death. There is a way that leads unto life. There is a deliverance from the doubt that has the potential to debilitate you and the answers to all the problems you cannot solve on your own rest in the One who holds the world together. Let Him lead you. Be willing to follow. Trust Him even in your doubt and watch what He will do on your behalf.

Just a little fodder (aka - food... something for you to chew on) for your Friday.

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