My dad reminds me all the time that building a farm takes time. He's been working on his farm for more than forty years. I've only been at mine for five. On days when I feel there is more to do than will ever get done, he validates my feelings with a response something like... "Yep. That's farming for ya." But he also advises me to take a step back and look at my surroundings... see how things look now as compared to how they were when we first moved here. It seems I have to survey my surroundings quite often.
I have almost 80,000 photos in my camera roll. I know that number just gave some of you a stroke! But before you burst a blood vessel, let me tell you why. These photos are my stones of remembrance. They are my reminders of progress while I keep pushing forward. Without them, I can get pretty discouraged. Pretty Quickly. All I have to do is go to my photo timeline to remind me of how things were at any given point in time.
One year ago today, I was surveying damage from a big storm... Hurricane Zeta. I have photos of downed trees and drowned interior from a storm that folded our roof back like a blanket (a roof which... btw... we just got replaced two weekends ago!). When I look back two years ago, I find a photo of my daughter preparing for her Mobile Azalea Trail Maid interviews. Today I know she was chosen as First Lady-In-Waiting of her court and received a scholarship which is helping pay for her college. Five years ago, I remember the moments when the walls of our house were stripped down to the studs, we didn't have modern amenities like central air conditioning, and some would say we lived in what looked like a crack house. Today things look quite different... and feel much cooler.. and the post office will leave packages on our doorstep because we don't look like we are making drugs. All I'm trying to say is...
When you feel down about not making the progress you would have liked, work to remember the progress you have made. Focus on the things that are better than they were. Lives... like farms... are built one day at a time. There will always be more to do but don't let that discourage you in getting done what you can today. Take moments to step back and survey your surroundings. When you do, remember to give thanks. And if you don't like what you see when you walk down memory lane, take time to make plans... changes you can make today that will make for a different tomorrow. Remember that, as long as you are breathing, there is opportunity for things to be better but much of that depends on your willingness to let Him make the changes in you that you can't make on your own.
"I will remember the works of the Lord;
Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will also meditate on all Your work,
And talk of Your deeds." - Psalm 77:11-12
