I read an article in AP News sometime back (July 7, 2021) that made the claim... "Thursday is the new Monday"... referring to the most popular day people like to report to the office now that people are returning to their offices with hybrid schedules after the pandemic shutdown. When I read this, I flinched a little. I didn't like the way it made me feel. Thursday is supposed to be Friday eve... the day after hump day... the day we start rolling downhill toward a little down time from the hustle and bustle of a typically tiring work week. But then again... I do love the words of the Dowager Countess of Downton Abbey when she asks the question... "What is a.... week-end?" Good question, Lady Grandma. GOOD QUESTION!
Saying Thursday is the new Monday kinda makes me feel like it's ANOTHER Monday, which is often the most tiring day of the week. Saying Thursday is the new Monday makes me feel like I will get to live Monday all over again. I don't want another Monday in my week. Monday is still Monday... the day the weekend ends and people get back to the busy-ness of what it means to feel the pressure to be productive. I don't work in a corporate office anymore but that doesn't mean I don't still feel the effects of trying to schedule meetings with myself to discuss with myself the competing priorities that are part of living this #BlessedAmericanLife. Saying Thursday is the new Monday really means we try to cram a week's worth of work into Monday through Wednesday... and then we start again on Thursday. I'm still feeling like I don't even know what day of the week it is anymore except to say it is Blursday... the 35th of Maprilay (to quote a meme from the height of the COVID calendaring confusion). Maybe I'm the only one feeling this way, but I don't think so.
I feel like the world is tired. Much has changed in a short period of time and people are trying to get back to living a normal life when normal as we knew it... doesn't exist. Maybe the whole world isn't tired... but I am! And when I get tired, I turn cranky (I think I wrote about that not too long ago). And while some may be working to rearrange the days of the workweek, I was reminded this morning that there is One whose work never stops and yet... He doesn't grow weary. In fact... He works on my behalf even while I sleep so that, when I stir from my slumber, I can resume the work He has for me knowing that He has worked out some details I couldn't. So if, like me, you're tired today, let this serve as your encouragement...
Let Monday be Monday. Let Thursday be Thursday. And let today be the day you lean on Him for strength and rest and renewal like none you've ever known.
"Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The everlasting God, the Lord,
The Creator of the ends of the earth,
Neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable.
He gives power to the weak.
And to those who have no might He increases strength."
- Isaiah 40:28-29