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Routines and Resolutions

Most every morning, the first thing I do (after I brush my teeth, take my vitamins and let the dogs out so I can have a little peace and quiet) is list the things for which I am grateful. Sometimes my list begins with "thank You for a good night's rest". Sometimes when I can't sleep, it begins with "thank You for waking me up even when I am tired". And if ever there is a day when I can't think of how to begin my list, I will start it with, "thank You for loving me enough to come after me". It's my routine and it has been for a long while now. Because of my tendency to get so wound up in the activity of accomplishment, I have to be purposeful about taking time to recognize the things He has already done in my life so I can have the assurance that what I am doing matters; otherwise... I'm just spinning my wheels and wearing myself out in vain. So if you are struggling to keep whatever resolution you made in this new year, can I offer this advice?

Make routines more than resolutions. Set a schedule that will allow you the opportunities to reflect on what needs to be done before you get caught up in the whirlwind of life that will happen whether you plan it or not. That might mean getting up 30 minutes earlier than you usually do. It might mean taking the last 30 minutes of your day to reflect on the many things for which you can be thankful. Remember that you are more than what you do while you also take hold of the truth that you were made for a purpose... to do good work that has been prepared for you in advance. Seek His will for your day before you set out to do great things and on the days when your schedule goes sideways in a hurry... thank Him for the redirection.

He knows what you need to do better than you do.

"I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel;

My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.

I haves set the Lord always before me;

Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices;

My flesh also will rest in hope." - Psalm 16:7-9

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