I will never not smile when I get texts like this from my young people in college. And while I smile, I also shake my head because it is my reminder of the world into which they have been sent... a world where the Word is not always what people desire.
We work to give our children so many things... a good education, experiences to set them up for success, extravagances we expect will give them a life better than ours. We bust our butts to buy them things we think will give them a better future... but do we bother to build for them a life based on truth that will never change? I'm reading through 1 Peter right now and I'm reminded of a few things...
Building your life on the Cornerstone means you let Him be the foundation for every other brick you lay. If you know anything about building things... then you know what happens when you don't start with the right point of reference. The more you build... the more you realize that things just aren't quite right. And if you build high enough on a shaky foundation... your world could come crumbling down.
Biblical knowledge and spiritual maturity are not the same thing. Quoting scripture is not the same as living out what it says... but it's hard to grow when you aren't studying the Way to go. Without His Word, we would find ourselves wandering... and wondering... what is this life even about, anyway?
Believing on Him is better than anything I could buy for my kids... or for myself, for that matter. Faith is not something that can be given to another... but it can be lived out in a way that others want to know it for themselves. As Christian parents (if that's who we say we are), we should be the ones showing our young people an example of the insatiable appetite that comes after tasting of His grace... and goodness... and we just can't get enough.
All I'm trying to say is...
Having a Bible in your backpack doesn't make you better than anybody else, but it does say something about the books you choose to study. As we learn and grow and go through this life, let us lean more on His Word than the wisdom of the world so that others will come to know the only basis for real fulfillment.
"... as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious." - 1 Peter 2:2, 3